What health is.....

Health is the most important aspect of life. It actually is life itself.

Monday, June 21, 2010

5 Ways to Stay Energetic Throughout the Day

Don’t you notice that when you are happy and optimistic, you are likely to be energetic? Do you sometimes wonder how you can stay energetic throughout your day?

Studies show that the more fit one’s body is, the more one’s brain seems to benefit. Correct breathing, healthy eating and drinking habits, healthy body, and sports affect your success as the Roman proverb says, “A sound mind in a sound body.” Therefore, it is crucial that you take care of your body and understand the benefits of health.

Follow the below steps on how to stay energetic throughout the day:

1. Breathing
You might know that breathing is indispensable for everyone, but do you know that the majority of people do not breathe correctly? Start from today to work on your breathing skills for around 15 minutes a day. Start by taking deep breaths slowly, hold the breath for 10 seconds, then release.

2. Morning exercises
Spend around 20-30 minutes of your morning moving your body. You could do aerobics, yoga, walking, running, stretching, push ups, or anything that you like doing. The important thing is to move, relax, and strengthen your body and muscles.

3. Watch your eating habits
You have to make sure that you eat healthy food that is right for you as there is no health system that is good for everyone. People who are diabetic have to avoid eating lots of sweets and people who have high cholesterol must avoid eating red meat. Consult your doctor to find what kind of food is suitable for you.
You can start your day eating fruit and avoid eating fat and oily food. Make sure that you eat salad with your meals as salad provides the body with a lot of fiber which means you could lower your cholesterol, reduce your calories among other benefits.

4. Drink lots of water and liquid
Keep a bottle of water close to you all the time and drink water as much as possible to avoid dehydration. Drinking different kinds of juices is helpful as well. Drinking lots of water and drinking liquids are the key to stay dehydrated.

5. Positive thoughts
During the day, take a few minutes to clear your head from all the negative thoughts and focus only on positive thoughts and your future goals. Taking a few a minutes every day to relax and clear you head from all the negativity can do wonders.

Always remember what Mark Twain said, “And what is a man without energy? Nothing – nothing at all.”

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