What health is.....

Health is the most important aspect of life. It actually is life itself.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

This Yawn is For You

It's true that one yawning is contagious and one leads to another within a group. This is an involuntary action that causes one to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply. Yawning happens in the womb, it has been observed that an 11 month old fetus has.

There are three major theories of yawning. The first is the most commonly known one, that draw more oxygen in, which replaces the carbon dioxide that we exhale. The second theory.is to change the current activity. The third is bordom or tiredness.

However, in essence we have why we do yawn. But this is common in most if not all animals.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

What chocolates benifits

Dark Chocolate contains antioxidents which ate known as polyphenols. They help tissue stability and some amount may prevent cancer.

It comes from fruit pods on a cocoa trees which grow near equator. They reach maturity within 5 years. However they become the most flavored within ten years. They can still produce seeds at 30 to 40 years of age.

Pods are about the size of football. They can contain more than 15 beans. At least 4 beans make ounce of dark chocolate. Once they are roasted and deshelled and also heated to high temperature they make chocolate liquer. Next they blend chocolate and add sugar amount depending on type. This meets the FDAs standards.

Milk chocolate contains 10% liquor, along with other dairy products and sugar. Dark chocolate is eithet bittersweet or semisweet which 35% liquor. The white chocolate doesn't contain any liquor and consists of cocoa butter, sugar, dairy products and flavoring.

Americans enjoy at least 12 pounds of chocolate a day compared to the Swiss that eat more then 22 pounds of chocolate. As far back as 1700, Madrid residence enjoyed 12 million pounds a year. Today 15 of the 16 top countries to consume chocolate are in Europe. The consumption actually may have benifits for the heart, lower blood pressure, risk of heart attack, stroke. A tremendous plus is that it improves love making.

Monday, September 10, 2012

I'm sorry

Why are these two words so difficult for people to say? It has to be that people are having too much pride. Saying those words don't take pride away. In a way they build character. They show that you are humble enough to admit you are wrong. This actually takes some pressure off and relaxes you, so you live longer. Now isn't that good.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Memory lives here

The Neuroscience and Genitics research center at UCLA have come the closest to finding the place where memories are written as well as stored in the brain. These memory engrams, which science found exist in vast webs throughout the brain as oppose to be in specific areas of the brain. We have found to lure specific memories into particular neurons. Inactive memories vanish, however if they are activated in a timely manner they return to as they were.

Engrams were discovered by a German biologist Richard Simon. A clear way to describe a memory engrams is like a byte, or a segment of a hardrive. It's not known where they are located, though. The more brain cells are lost the weaker the memories become.

The human brain contains approximately 100 billion synapses. They found a way to strengthen memories so physical outcomes would be greater
These are, in essence, is steroids for the brain, which causes selective amnesia.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


The penis has a great deal of interesting facts. Of coarse it is vital to the reproductive cycle of all lifeforms, but did you know the Vatican has a room that stores this tribute to the male species which were broken off male manicans. Our species has a relatively large penis compared to other animals.

Chimpanzees don't have a head on there penis, in fact we are the only species that does.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nude Beaches

It is a surprising fact that Germans love nude beaches. The founder of the idea was Hydrix Puder in 1890. Paul Zimmerman opened the first camp in 1903.

54% of Germans sunbathe in the nude. Eight percent of Indian as well as Spaniards sunbathe in the nude. Surprisingly only 2% of Americans sunbathe in the nude.

June 1 and 2 are the dates of the Nude Expo in Las Vages. In 2003 the industry of nude recreation grew by four billion dollars. Blacks beach attracted 60,000 visiters in the 1970s, but in 1977 it was banned by the city council. Little Beach in Maui nude sunbathing is illegal but its not enforced.

The worlds top nudist beach is Red Beech in Greece. The largest colony is in France. The largest beach in the US is in California.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Organ Growth

Through stem cells organ growing is possible. With magnetic nanoparticles arrangements it is possible to grow them. The only external effect is having thin stitches. Through this nanoparticles have the ability to extend life. It also will replace most surgical needs.

Nano healthcare

First, nanotech involves dealing with matter at the microscopic level. This has fantastic power because of the size. In the smallest scale solids do not exist. Electrons can teleport, which is known as electron tunneling. In one strand of hair there is 1000 nano-particles. The smaller the building blocks, the greater power. It is possible to manipulate all materials at the level of the nano.

Nanotechnology builds from the bottom up just like nature. Nanocarbon tubes are 100 times stronger and lighter then steal. This will also help us mass produce the item and get it out to the public. This is in use now.

There is a diagnostic application for your smartphone, where you touch it and it tells you if you have certain ailments, which will increase as time goes on. It stores and identifies different markers of the health issue. However it is not able to differentiate between disease concentrations. This means you can test yourself anywhere you would like. But the down side of this is you are able to get diseases if someone uses your phone. To alleviate this they are creating phone condoms.

There is a bloodbrain barrier which protects

Sunday, January 22, 2012


It is cell cultured meat. This is used to not kill animals. PETA is offering a million dollar prize to the first supermarket that sells this, and thus making it a regular product in this store. I think it will affect vegetarians definately, but may not have a great effect on the rest of the population.