What health is.....

Health is the most important aspect of life. It actually is life itself.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fear, Denial and Laughter

Seriousness is a disease that causes many ailments to put life on crutches, or on hold. Life lived with transparency and discernment is a life lived in the light of love, and just good common sense. People don’t do things contrary to their hearts feeling different about because of a fear that arises when it’s not needed. They may be vulnerable to a fearful situation of being out of their comfort zone without the ‘perceived and usually erroneous notion that they may not feel self confident to handle.

People fear love because of the perception that love brings misery. Love seems to take away freedoms, replacing life with lies, conditions, slavery, imprisonment, and infinite negatives that one has grown accustomed to but really is a sense of non freedom and slavery when love is nowhere to be found. This perception of being ‘caged’ comes with a lack of self love, and conditionalness in pursuing love with another. Love isn’t a rental! Love is unconditional, and with compassionate communication.

Love has no fear or denial, and opens itself to a non seriousness of joy and laughter. Fear of losing one’s individuality in compromise creates a sense of creating an invisible shield of protecting it. When two souls merge in higher love with no reservations and in a ‘let go’, each reaches a compassionate communication that gives the energy to the other to be their true selves. A divine merger gives up or submits individuality to form a third being called an ‘us’, but in an aware return of giving, loves the other to have their individuality also. In a sense, love takes but gives back a better you for both while giving birth to a new merger of beings in harmony for the needs and desires of the other.

Cast out fears of love, and the denial of them, and your true self to the winds! Don’t let love become a cage that causes you to exploit the other with unnecessary compromises, lies, and poisons of love that kill the energy of love, making each other a cripple. Nourish love until it become like a prayer and the ultimate experience of life. An energized focus may be needed as mankind for thousands of years has habitually exploited love and forgotten how to love with all the heart, mind, body, and soul. No conditions but for the sake of love

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pursuit of Happiness

Keep on reaching for the stars, and believe you can do anything because you really can. No matter how down you are you can always survive. Keep on smiling and be happy, things will always get better. Keep on dreaming, no matter what you can reach the stars. Just believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything. All you need is to believe and you can do anything at all. All you need is to be happy in life and
you can do anything you want.

You have to always have to a plan to achieve your happiness. But be happy traveling to your destination as well. Patience is an attribute that is required to achieve happiness.

Thomas Jefferson mentions happiness in the declaration of Independence. In fact "The Pursuit of Happiness," is actually stated in the lead sentence. It is what its about. The whole document is how this is important it is in your whole life. No matter where you are, it is so important in living all of our lives.

Optimism is how to really live a happy life. You imagination is always helpful in this journey, it makes you feel as youthful as ever.

Home is where your heart is, no matter where you end up. If you always have a blast, no matter what happens you will live a prosperous and happy life. There are no free handout except the ones people make for them for themselves no matter where they are. Always look up and be happy for all you got always because what ever happens we all are alive. The adventure of life is as well as you make it. You always have the power to fulfill all your dreams as long as you believe in yourself.

Fortune finds you no matter where you are. Happiness is what you always are in no matter where you are and no matter what life deals you.